Your Views for December 8

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To the rescue

I do not know their names. All I am aware of is that they were off-duty firemen from the Kaumana Fire Station. So it was relayed to me by my octogenarian mother.

As my mother was exiting a downtown restaurant on Nov. 30, she fell and hit her head. The two firemen who were in the vicinity came to render aid.

One of the firemen drove my mother to the hospital ER in his vehicle, while the other fireman drove my mother’s vehicle to the hospital.

Talk about going beyond the call! The selfless act by the two is “Exhibit A” of true caring, compassion and the aloha spirit.

I do not know your names, nor does my mother, but on behalf of both of us, mahalo for your actions to help an elderly person in the community. It is much appreciated, and for that we are grateful.

Kerry Meyer


Skate parks needed

As someone who has lived in Hilo my whole life and have been around skaters, like my brothers and their friends, I have noticed that there aren’t many skate parks in Hilo. Skate parks in the Hilo is something that should’ve been done a while ago. Skate parks would be something that anyone could visit, not just skaters. I believe that skaters should have a designated spot to skate instead of having to use public spaces and buildings as a substitute for a park or a ramp to skate on.

Hilo needs skate parks, Although I don’t skate, why not think about the kids and skaters that do skate? They don’t cause any trouble; they are just trying to have fun. Having more skate parks means more kids would be happy. I know they would greatly benefit from it.

I know some people will say that making more skate parks makes a bigger problem with more skaters. I understand, but the only reason these skaters are a problem is because they don’t have a designated spot to skate, so they basically skate in places they shouldn’t. Skaters deserve to have fun, too.

I believe that it is important that we make skate parks in Hilo. It would be fun for everyone. It would also give skate stores more business.

If you had someone you deeply cared about and they wanted something special, you would do it for them. That is the same case here. Why not do something special for us?

Kanalu Mathey-Bona

Hilo High School student

Put Kawakami in charge

It would seem to me the downside to relaxing restrictions on travelers make no sense.

Why do I say this? Well, if I lived in a state with rampant COVID-19 infections, I would come here if I had the money. Why? Because it s national news that Hawaii has very low rates compared to the other 49 states.

We have nice weather typically also. And it’s winter! I think it would be very responsible for the state to put the mayor of Kauai, Derek Kawakami, in charge. He seems to have the best common-sense approach to COVID-19. I wish he were our mayor or governor, for that matter.

P.S. Taiwan was in news again. Taiwan, an island, has had NO cases in almost 300 days! Only people flying in. And they are quarantined until they test negative.

Phil Shwarz
